The research direction represented by the Archaeomythological Institute is currently experiencing a renaissance after DNA research has confirmed its central hypotheses. IAM’s European branch makes research on Old European civilization and its influence on Western culture available to audiences in versatile forms.
The archaeologist Marija Gimbutas discovered Old Europe, or the Danube Civilization, in the 1980s. This civilization had intriguing features such as a pre-democratic social structure in which peace and gender equality reigned, as well as a cosmology based on female divinity. Many inventions were conceived for the first time in human history. The arrival of the Indo-Europeans to Southeastern Europe caused a collision; the social structure became hierarchical and conflict became a part of everyday life. Female divinity divided, gaining male deities as counterparts. Invention transformed into the refinement of already existing inventions.
Our blog series and educational videos have presented these features and the effects of this cultural collision and fusion. Going forward, instead of monthly posts, we will write blog posts in relation to relevant events and publications. We will provide information on new publications, events and lectures.
Extensive research by Marija Gimbutas and Harald Haarmann, the director of IAM’s European branch, provides the background for IAM’s activities. Docent Kaarina Kailo represents the same research orientation in Nordic folklore studies.
Some impressions of the collection of Haarmann’s publications in the archive, including photos featuring Prof. Vasja Velinova (director of the Centre) and Dr. Rossen Milev (director of Balkanmedia)
Photos: Dr. Rossen Milev
Kaarina Kailo amongst other researchers will give presentations in S/HE Divine Studies Online Conference hosted by Mago Academy. The event will be held on June 7–9, 2024. More information here.
The article "Lost People of Old Europe" by Harald Haarmann and Mariagrazia Pelaia has been published in the March 2024 issue of the Prometeo Liberato magazine. The online magazine is available on the website's bottom section and on Issuu service.
The Goddess Project Podcast interviews PhD Kaarina Kailo on her newest book. Watch on YouTube.
Harald Haarmann and other researchers will lecture in Vienna on April 20, 2024. The event will be in German and English.
Introducing the Association Pro Vanha Eurooppa (a non-profit organization registered in Finland) and its programmatic orientation
In a series of presentations, ancient living-conditions in the wider Danube Region will be illuminated, with the intention to provide a framework for an understanding of the achievements in the pre-Greek era and, to convey information about a major change in the perception of cultural history: Ancient Greek civilization of antiquity was not the cradle of western civilization.
It assumed a different role which was that of a turntable for the transmission of knowledge about the cultural heritage of the ancient Danube civilization.
Edit: Summaries of the presentations available here.
Jonas Hopf interviews Harald Haarmann on the topic of Europe's first civilization. The German-language discussion is available on YouTube. Automatic translation subtitles are available.
Uwe Hinrichs has written a review of Harald Haarmann's work “Kairos. Human Responses to the Flow of Time in the Dynamic Formation Process of Western Civilization.” (Georg Olms Verlagsbuchhandlung. Hildesheim 2023.)
The review will be published later in the Zeitschrift für Balkanologie journal.
Helen Hye-Sook Hwang interviews Dr. Kaarina Kailo in Return to Mago E-Magazine. Kailo discusses her career, multidisciplinary research approach and her art. Read the article here.
At the Bulgarian premiere of his book “Introduction to the Danube Script”, PhD Harald Haarmann proposes the addition of the Danube script to the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List. Watch Haarmann’s presentation on YouTube.
The premiere, organized by the Central Library of the Capital, Association Balkanmedia, and Magazine 8, took place on November 23, 2023, in Sofia, Bulgaria.
“I reject the assumption that civilization refers only to androcratic warrior societies. The generative basis of any civilization lies in its degree of artistic creation, aesthetic achievements, nonmaterial values, and freedom which make life meaningful and enjoyable for all its citizens, as well as a balance of powers between the sexes.”